We have two major events coming up—Easter and our Missions Revival—and both of them are intrinsic to Christianity.
Easter is a celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ (without the resurrection, Christianity is a fraud!), and the Missions Revival is our emphasis on taking that message to the whole world, which is our duty as Christians.
If you are a Christian, that means you believed by faith in Jesus Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. Built into that belief is the believe that Jesus died for everyone, and we’ve been left here to spread the news.
If I was in a mosque today, I would hope that someone could explain to me how to gain whatever motivates them to serve Allah. If I was in a Buddhist temple, I would hope that someone could explain to me how to achieve what they all seem to be striving for.
As a Christian, I hope YOU can explain what it means to be a Christian.
Wait… I hope you’re LIVING it first!
Easter is more than family and Easter eggs… it’s about rejoicing in the hope of Jesus Christ!
Missions Revival is more than just a time to hear cool stories from all over the world… it’s about participating in the work of God! It’s about getting a burden for souls.
It’s about being a Christian. It’s who you are.
-Pastor Ryan