Any church’s vision is pretty simple: fulfill the Great Commission and help people connect their lives to God. That’s what we try to do every week through our various ministries, and people are being saved, getting baptized, and growing in the Lord.
But a specific Vision Night like we are having in a couple of weeks is special. We get to look ahead at the new year and dream about what God might do with our church in 2024.
I have a few things I’ve already announced, such as applying to be a Faith Bible Institute satellite campus and starting Bible college classes in the Fall. But there are also a couple of things I haven’t announced yet, and only our staff knows about. And there are some goals that I hope God will use to help people in a meaningful way over the course of the next (about) two years.
One pastor wrote this week, “92% of churches in America are under 250 in attendance. Stop fretting about growing a large church and start determining to grow a healthy church. Churches are dying because Biblical preaching has been shoved to the back row. PREACH THE WORD!”
If all of us commit to be faithful to God’s Word, I couldn’t ask for anything more. We would be being and doing exactly what God would want in our homes, in our marriages, with our giving, in our outreach, in our jobs, in our thoughts, in our care for people… we would be a biblical church!
That sounds like a good vision to me!
So, I am very excited about our Vision Night, but I’m even more excited when God’s people just obey God week in and week out.
Stay faithful.
-Pastor Ryan