So many of the projects we announced on Vision Sunday are now in full swing!
CBC WEEKLY. The new social media page is active! This is one more way to stay up to “bring the Bible home” by continuing with Sunday’s content all week long.
NEW TO CBC CLASS. Today is our second of four classes on the doctrines and philosophies of our church. Last week we launched into doctrine with an incredible group of new people, and this week we are covering things like, “What’s this in the bulletin?” or “Why do we bow for worship?”
STAFF HOUSE. We had a bunch of people show up for last Saturday’s workday, and in about an hour we had ripped out the entire floor of our staff house, and ripped out all the faulty duct work under the house. A company replaced all the ducts this week and now those heaters are humming! Next is flooring installation day (stay tuned!)
DEEPER IN THE WORD BIBLE INSTITUTE. Yesterday we launched the preaching class, today we launch the class through the book of Acts, and on Tuesday we launch the evangelism class. These classes will go every week until May with full tests and quizzes, and is a great way to “Bring the Bible Home.”
SERMON SERIES. Last week we started our new series through 1 Samuel in the mornings and Psalms in the evenings. I mistakenly said that we would be in Psalm 113 tonight (since it coincides with 1 Sam. 2), but I forgot that Bro. Zack was preaching tonight at 5:30pm. Be sure to be back for that!
OUTREACH. This Saturday is our outreach, so come help spread the word and share your faith. We meet at the church at 10:00am and then go out into our community.
PHILIPPINES. We have purchased loads of Bibles, toys, and gift bags to give to our missionaries in the Philippines when we visit them in just a few weeks. We are in the final stages of preparing music, sermons, packing, and everything else that goes into an overseas trip, so please continue to pray!
This is an exciting year, but I think I packed too much into the first month! Now that everything has started, though, we are now rolling and it’s smooth sailing from here. God bless you, church!
-Pastor Ryan