The recent elections make clear our concern for the spiritual decline of our nation. Those who elect our nation’s leaders reflect the heart of our nation’s citizens. I agree with what Pastor Chappell recently observed, “When a political party jeers at the name of God, rejects God’s plan for marriage, endorses the killing of preborn children-and America elects those who hold these positions-we are in a difficult situation.”
Not many people are willing to recognize it, but in recent years the Democratic Party has taken so many positions similar to the Communist Party USA, that the head of the CPUSA, Sam Webb, endorsed the democratic ticket in this month’s elections. The Republican Party fares little better when it cannot even put forth a candidate who believes the Bible is the word of God. One of our families who fled from persecutions in Cuba when Fidel Castro led the nation to turn Communist, expressed to me their concern for America as they watch the same changes taking place that they saw in Cuba leading up to Castro’s takeover.
A political climate that is hostile to Bible-believing Christians is certainly nothing new. The early churches faced governments hostile to their cause.
The answer for us is not political; it is a spiritual need our nation has. Our responsibility today is the same as that of those early church brethren. We are to look to our Lord’s return, and before that event to reach as many with the gospel , as we can by the grace of God! We must earnestly seek revival in our land. We must discipline ourselves to be a godly people. We must help get more Bible-believing churches established. We still need to pray for our nation’s leaders that they will come to Christ. We must be willing to be valiant for truth. We have brethren in places like Cuba, Egypt, and China who are able to live for the Lord in spite of often severe persecutions. We ought to be that much the more faithful to Him!
-from November 18, 2012 bulletin