It feels good. We had a great trip, but missed being here.
Of anywhere else in America that we would live, Stillwater is our #1 choice. Not because of the town but because of the church.
However, while we were there, as nicely as they treated us and as MUCH as we loved them, God definitely has called us to Temecula. It is incredible how God moves. We wondered if God would ever call us back to Stillwater, but He has not.
We love Temecula, and we are here to stay. We love you and want the incredible blessings of God on you and the whole youth ministry. We loved their youth ministry, and we were challenged in our own lives and ministries, but we were nowhere near the love we have for you.
It was almost a “tempting” place to be in because of all the bonuses of life in the Bible Belt, but we never felt a burden to return. Thank God. You want to know why we don’t want to go back? Because of you. We’re here for you. We want to impact and influence you through God’s Word. That’s what our lives are about. I pray you grow in the Lord tonight and every week through the Teens of Faith.
-Bro. Ryan