Note from Sunday, August 11, 2013
Those of you on Facebook might have already seen some of the pictures from the trip that we took to Alaska last week. For the rest of you, you can view the wall or the screen today.
We got back on Tuesday around noon after an all-night flight. All week was absolutely amazing as we were fed spiritually through our daily devotions and journaling and as we were able to serve others through a VBS for the kids. A lot of the pictures are of the scenery and the kids, but the best part of the trip was the part that you can’t capture in a picture – the spiritual burden we all received for the mission field of Alaska.
Hopefully tonight we will be able to give a little update. I’m still working on some of the pictures and on how to talk about the trip to the church. We probably will not have testimonies during the service (unless you’re dying to speak), but we will most likely have a quick slideshow up on the screen. We will seen.
Anyway, the biggest testimony that anyone can give is NOT behind a pulpit on a Sunday night… it is with their daily lives. If you only hear about the fun, the games, the VBS, the activities and the scenery and you hear nothing about the 2 professions of salvation, the lives impacted, the personal burden for missions, the blessing of the missionaries, and the impact of the journaling… something’s wrong. ☺ We wish everyone could have gone. Maybe next time, whenever that may be.
-Bro. Ryan