First… we’re back! Did you miss us? I know you did. Aww… thank you. I love you and missed you too. Be sure to thank Bro. White for his sermons.
Second… as you know by now… THE INTERNS ARE HERE!! Woo hoo! It’s about time! We’ve been SO excited about their coming. Now it’s time to put them to work like animals. Poor guys. You may have met them Thursday night at the graduation or maybe yesterday at door-knocking. If not, be sure to greet them today. Oh, and tell them your name, too. And remind them of your name for a few weeks—they have a LOT of names to learn, so help them out.
Third… Ms. Sarah is here, too! She was already introduced on Wednesday (she came to town early), but if you have not met her, introduce yourself today. Help her with names, too.
Fourth… Promotion Sunday is NEXT WEEK! I do not know exactly how many of the current 6th graders are coming into our class, but for those who do, welcome them. Be kind and inviting to them. Ask them to play the games with you—don’t hog the tables. Don’t wall them out of your conversations. Include them. Ask them questions. Laugh with them, not at them. Don’t poke fun at them and make them feel even MORE uncomfortable than they already are. Greet them. Get them a place to sit. Help them. Again, I’m not sure how many of these are actually promoting this year (due to age, family, etc.), but the current 6th graders are Joseph, AJ, Gabriella, Demitri, Naomi, Immanuel, ???????????????????? Also, many of them are coming to teen camp with us, too. They seem so young, right? Well guess what… YOU were a 7th grader once, too. Remember?
Fifth… Comedy Night is in just a couple weeks! Memorize your lines. We only have THREE more practices!
Sixth… the yard sale is coming up, too. If you work at it, you can make a good amount of money to go toward your camp fees.