Our church family has responded so generously in the Christmas Offering dedicated to helping church planters that we are taking about $8,500 .00 to the Heartland Baptist Bible College Church Planter’s Conference this week! What a blessing you all will be to those who we will be giving the financial help to! It has been a great way for us to express our gratefulness to the Lord for the inestimable gifts He has given us . At this meeting there are normally about 100 church planters and their families . Along with them, are pastors from across the land who are there to give as the Lord leads . Many of these young church planters are given the opportunity to present their ministries, which are followed by pastors giving their commitments to help . With the preaching during the course of each day’s meetings there is a spirit of revival as we all are brought to greater awareness that the hope of American is not in her resources, diversity, educational opportunities, or her jobs market, government, military, or even in her heritage, but it is in her churches! When Biblically sound Baptist Churches carry out their God given mission, people are brought to Christ, and lives are changed . A community that sees bars and liquor stores multiplied is always blighted not blessed . Seeing someone delivered from the bottle to the Bible always improves the environment! Yes, America’s best hope is seeing more churches planted, watered and bearing good fruit till Jesus comes again!
Proverbs 14:34 Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.