Choir Note – Sunday, October 20, 2013
Get in all your final questions now, because you’ll never be allowed to ask another question again! (Not really.)
But… now IS the time to get a lot of your trouble parts hammered out. If there’s a particular song or section that you would really like to get fixed, ask about it today. We are hoping that 1) you have been to each split practice and 2) you are listening to the recording. If you have done both those things, you should have a pretty good handle on the music by now.
I’m not saying you can’t ask a question from here on, but the point of the split practices has been to hammer out the boring parts so that we can use our combined practice times effectively—not for parts but for actual rehearsal.
There’s logic behind that. There’s excellence in rehearsing, because music is SO much more than merely hitting the right notes. Any high school choir (or kids choir, for that matter!) can learn to sing a series of notes. It’s not just about the notes… it’s about the music. Rehearsal times are about digging deeper into the music rather than staying at the surface level of just the notes.
Get your notes down, yes! But the notes are just a means to an end. They are not the “end” themselves. “Well, I have my notes down. I’m good.” No. Music doesn’t work that way, and our rehearsal times are for the fine-tuning and for the beauty of what we are working to accomplish. Keep up the good work! –Bro. Ryan
SINGING TONIGHT – Please be in place 5 minutes before church begins.