Evangelist Bill Rice was preaching a revival meeting in a large church in Ohio. As the Monday night service was about to begin, he was sitting on the platform and observing two boys coming down the aisle. One was coaxing the other, pulling him along as they came. Rice could hear them as they got closer, one saying “Aw come on,” and the other, “I don’t wanna!” Finally getting his friend up to where the evangelist was seated, the first boy reminded the evangelist that he had said all who brought a first-time visitor would receive a book. The reluctant visitor blurted out, “But its not my first-time! I was here on Sunday.” At that, Brother Rice said, “Well, the book was promised only to those who brought a first-time visitor.” Undaunted, the determined boy who had dragged in his friend responded, “Aw, he was here Sunday morning alright, but he never heard a thing you said!” (The boy got his book.)
It is good that you are here in church this morning. It is better if you did not have to be dragged in, and it’s even better yet if you hear what is presented and preached today! Merry Christmas, and “Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift!”