Ruth, the Moabitess
Rahab the harlot
Uriah the Hittite
Elijah the Tishbite
Blind Bartimaeus
Simon the leper
Doubting Thomas
Matthew the Publican
Even after these were saved, or healed or called to serve God, we find them sometimes referred to in Scripture by their old labels. Why is that? That question was posed, and answered by one of the preachers at the recent Heartland Baptist Bible College Church Planter’s Conference. Joel Haynes, is a church planter who was raised in the Navajo Nation and now serves the Lord there.
Among other truths, he gave the following reasons for the “labels” some of the above mentioned carried with them. Think on them.
A testimony to the saving grace of God
A measure of a person’s growth in grace
A reminder of the judgment a person was saved from
A daily reference to the need for humility rather than pride
When we came to Christ in repentance and faith, thank God, He made us a new creature. What you were is not what you now are. Are we trying to live by our new label: that of Christian and child of God?