Updates From Ukraine and Russia
After another week of disturbing news, I believe we Christians should be praying for both sides, as well as believing the Scriptures for our own responsibilities in the matter of war, politics, and Christians. This week’s announcement sheet will include updates from various sources.
In Amos 7 we see the power of intercessory prayer.
God’s people need to learn from Amos and pray fervently and persistently in the most desperate, wicked times. Prayer changes things!
When Amos saw the first two visions of coming judgments (a locust invasion and a great fire), he beseeched God to withhold judgment, and the Lord repented (Am. 7:3, 6).
Amos’s prayer issued from a heart of concern. Amos could have…[1]
[1] From https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/a_prayer_for_wicked_america.php by missionary David Cloud.
Someone wrote to me recently and asked if the prophecy of Gog and Magog in Ezekiel 38-39 is post-Rapture. The answer is that it is most definitely post-Rapture.
This great prophecy describes a major power north of Israel (“out of the north parts,” Eze. 38:15; 39:2) that will create a strong military alliance and attack Israel and be destroyed by God.
As for the timing, it is clear that it is for a time when Israel thinks herself safe and…[2]
[1] From https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/is_it_gog_magog-time.php
[2] From https://www.wayoflife.org/reports/a_prayer_for_wicked_america.php by missionary David Cloud.
MISSIONS We’re praying for our missionaries in Ukraine and Russia this week. Please email the church for more information.