I hope you’ve been praying and preparing for this week. Today is the start of our Missions Revival, which means that every service (Sunday 9:30a, 10:30a, 5:30p, and Monday – Wednesday 7:00p) is about helping us preach the gospel to EVERY creature (see Matthew 28:18–20.)
This morning we will hear from Evangelist Paul Schwanke, and each night this week we’ll hear from a new missionary. See the next few pages for more details.
My prayer for Calvary Baptist Church is for God’s people to unite around what is most important to our church: the Great Commission. Our job is to help people be saved, baptized, and taught the things of God, not only in our Temecula Valley but around the whole world. This week will help us be obedient.
My prayer for Calvary Baptist Church is for every member to be at every service. This can’t be seen as a “legalism” thing. I don’t believe it is too much to ask when we consider most of our schedules. We’re involved in soccer, karate, piano, golf, quilting, and any number of other wholesome activities throughout the rest of the year. This week will top them all in what should be the highest emphasis of any Christian family: the work of the Gospel. In fact, a soul-conscious Christian uses these kinds of connections as means of declaring the gospel. They certainly shouldn’t keep us away from spiritual things!
My prayer for Calvary Baptist Church is for us to live unselfishly. This is a statement of both financial generosity and life in general. A selfish person looks at what he can get. What does GOD have to offer ME? What does the CHURCH have to offer ME? What does the GOSPEL have to offer ME? But the spirit of Jesus Christ is the opposite: “For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45. So, this week is a great chance to be strengthened in what matters for eternity.
My prayer for Calvary Baptist Church is for us to take seriously what God takes seriously. He gave his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sin. Is it really a “great” sacrifice to give to missions, be at extra services, or love the lost around the world? Today’s guest preacher, Paul Schwanke, has pointed out in previous sermons here that God merely calls all these things our “reasonable service” (see Romans 12:1–2.)
I’m so thankful for a church that loves missions. Let’s strengthen our walk with the Lord through the Word this week.
-Pastor Ryan