Clicking Into Place
At our last deacons meeting, Dr. Welsh said, “It seems like things are clicking into place.” And it does seem like that.
The summertime is a great season to click off projects—our summer internship program helps with a lot of that, but just the simple volunteering of you, God’s people in this church, have helped just as much, if not more.
The bulk of the work on the renovation project is done. We have a few more little things to click into place—pews, drapes, baseboards, cry room, office, etc.—but it’s mostly wrapped up. We’ve been working feverishly on the church finances, and we’re just about set on our new system. We’re comi 1- ng into the Fall, and everything we’re looking forward to, we’ve done at least once before (Sunday School Kickoff, Open House, the Christmas play, etc.)
It really does feel like things are clicking into place, and I’m thankful to the Lord for busy seasons of productivity and development, but also the slower seasons of recovery and rest. Both are needed.
In the slower seasons, we need to reflect on where we are with the Lord, and intentionally use the time to grow in Him.
—Pastor Ryan