This week, the government banned Skittles.
Sure, fentanyl deaths are skyrocketing; sure, our nation’s debt ceiling keeps magically climbing; sure, we are on a moral implosion; but at least we got rid of that bad ol’ red dye number 3.
*Sigh. Is this what the men and women of our military died for?
Well, for better or worse, yes, it is. Despite the foolishness, America is still a great country. So great, in fact, that over 1 million men and women have given their lives for it since Memorial Day was instituted in 1868.
While Veteran’s Day honors all military personnel, Memorial Day is our time to remember those who gave their lives so that we could live in freedom.
And, yes, those freedoms even extend to banning Skittles. As outrageous as it might seem, our representative government means that we are not under the rule of any single monarch or dictator, and as best as the system is allowing in 2023, we the people still have a voice.
We best use it while we still have it.
Election fraud likely happens in pockets, but something tells me we are still better off than North Korea—I think it’s the 100% approval and “absolute support” that Kim Jong-un received.
This weekend is always a highlight because of the picnic and softball games we enjoy, but I encourage you to thank the Lord for this great country we are blessed to live in. May we steward our freedoms for God’s glory.
–Pastor Ryan