I’m calling today COFFEE SUNDAY!
Because as long as you promise to not spill on the pews, you can go ahead and bring your coffee right into the sanctuary. Normally, my mom would yell at you… but not today! Today is the last Sunday with the blue carpet.
Next week, we tear it all out!
We haven’t updated our sanctuary since it was built in 2007. To me, 2007 wasn’t that long ago… until I start doing the math! That was 15 years ago! Okay, so maybe we’re due for an upgrade.
We were already planning on a 2022-2023 carpet upgrade because of the ripples, but when we got a water leak earlier this year, God took care of the payment with a nice insurance check. Thank you, Lord!
Some call it coincidence, but we Christians know better… that was God.
I’m so excited about the sanctuary refresh! We’ll have new paint, new carpet, new wood flooring on the platform, and new lighting for a beautiful new look. When you come to church for a while, you grow blind to the issues. Things are as they always have been, and we stop noticing the rips, tears, wrinkles, and scuffs. But if you’re new, you see all that stuff. It might seem shallow, but those things matter.
We want to do the best with what we have, and God has blessed us with beautiful facilities. Let’s use them to glorify God.
-Pastor Ryan