Even the oldest of the population of our nation are not able to say that their entire life span was one of continuous struggle for the basic needs of life. Those old enough to recall the great depression and then the second world war, those people now in their nineties, have yet lived most of their lives in a nation with a history of generation after generation of prosperity.
Consequently, the concept of having to work hard to get together enough to provide just that day’s food is a foreign concept to most. Presently, our idea of a struggle is missing the first tram from the parking lot to the gate at Disneyland or having last year’s model of smartphone.
Oh, yes, it is true that many people do work hard and diligently in our present prosperity but is also true that in so doing we are able to have much more than just adequate shelter and enough to eat each day. It is also true that those who decide they don’t want to work still seem to get what they want from day to day, with all the government programs, and the giving nature of most Americans.
Now after three or for generations of basically unbroken prosperity, why is it so many express discontent, depression, sullenness, and a pouting spirit? The toy company used to have the jingle, “I don’t want to grow up, I’m a Toys-R-Us kid!” They intended that as a tune kids would relate to. But now we have some twenty, thirty, and forty years old who have the same spirit! They have never really had to grow up!
These are so easily offended, so gullible to every new conspiracy theory, or new religion or new philosophy that happens along. They want safe-spaces, recess, snack-time, dress-up costumes and lots of cartoons! They like Berny Sanders because he promises he’ll pay their bills off and give them free stuff. And they want somebody to take care of them, while they go play!
The help they need is what most of you have already found – that right perspective, be it about work or play, responsibility or recreation, childhood or adulthood, want or abundance, is to be found in the principles of the Scriptures.