CHRIST Jesus is LORD. And Savior. And Christ. And King. He’s all of those things, and we could never exhaust the depths of who He is. Tonight is the fourth…
WE’RE HOME! Sunday night’s service will be the official wrap up from our Philippines Missions Trip, so you might hear some of this twice, but I still wanted to give…
PRAY FOR THE PHILIPPINES TRIP On Monday, 17 of our church members head to the airport to fly to the Philippines. We will be ministering in public schools, preaching the…
ANNUAL ADMIN MTG. TONIGHT As I have said the past couple of years, tonight’s meeting is a representation of a church’s trust as much as anything else. Some churches almost…
“NOT ANOTHER INCONVENIENCE!” Funny how the Lord always seems to hit us right where it hurts the most! This afternoon, part of Nicolas Road was damaged and caused a road…
COVENANT SUNDAY LAST WEEK One church I know has their church family recommit to their church covenant every year. As we entered into our first Sunday of 2025, I read…
Fasting. WAIT! DON’T LEAVE! Tonight we’re talking about the spiritual discipline of fasting. This is a hard truth to swallow, in a manner of speaking. But fasting is throughout the…
Preparing For the Christmas Play Prayer. Please pray fervently this week for souls to be saved. Outreach. Spread the word to as many people as possible! Deference. Please defer the…
Preparing for A Christmas Carol Registrations are rolling in like crazy for this year’s Christmas play, and I would like to spend some time over the next couple of weeks…