With summer closing and schools starting back up again, it’s back to the old grindstone for us!
Really, the stability of a new school year helps individual families as well as the whole church family. It’s good to see families going off on vacation for some renewal… but it’s great to have you all here too! This school year, choose now to dedicate your time to the Lord.
1. Attend all church services. Choose now to attend every service, including Sunday school, Sunday night and Wednesday night. You know a good time to start… how about tonight?
2. Attend all special meetings. Every Fall our staff meets to plan out the next calendar year. Take a printed church calendar and plan for revival meetings, special events, camps and more. You know a good time to start… how about this Wednesday?
One change to the 2012 printed calendar is coming up this Wednesday, August 22 (one week earlier than the printed calendar) with our “It’s a Jungle Out There” night. We try our best to never alter the printed calendar, but with some unavoidable changes in the speakers’ schedules we are now meeting this Wednesday at 7pm. See you there!
3. Serve in your church. Find something to do… there’s always plenty! Join choir (just about to start Christmas music!), clean baseboards, fill pew slots, trim trees, rake leaves, sign up for nursery, greet people or wash windows. Service is for you, not the church, so help yourself by serving others.
Have a great “new” year.
-from August 19, 2012 bulletin