Choir Note – Sunday, Oct. 13, 2013
We’re into October now, and I’m still wondering where September went!
What that means for choir is that we should only have a couple more split practices left before we have all our parts down perfectly, right? Right.
Whether you have your parts down or not, in a couple weeks we’re going to be combining our practices for the Christmas Cantata. If you need any extra help, now is the time to be speaking up during your split times.
In addition, if you still need (or want!) more work on the songs, please visit and search for “Great and Mighty Wonder” in the search box. It will pull up the full cantata and you will be able to play the full recordings of each song. Listen to these recordings and get your part down so that our weekly rehearsals are more about fine-tuning than they are about actually learning. Know what I mean?
Thank you for all the work so far. It’s coming along well. Keep it up!
–Bro. Ryan
SINGING NEXT SUNDAY EVENING – Please remember to always check the schedule to know when choir is singing in the evening services. Typically, we sing the 3rd Sunday evening of each month, but sometimes that changes. Please refer to the schedule to dress appropriately each time we are the evening special.