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The first time at a new place can feel strange, but this page should help you know what to expect.



Adult Bible Classes  9:30 AM

Children’s Sunday School  9:30 AM

Morning Service  10:30 AM

Children’s Church  10:30 AM

Evening Service  5:30 PM


Loving nursery care provided by trained workers for all services.


Master Clubs Children’s Ministry  6:45 PM

Evening Service  7:00 PM


DIRECTIONS: From the 15 freeway take the Winchester Road/Highway 79 North exit. Travel east on Winchester Road about 1.6 miles. Then make a right on to Nicolas Road and go about 1.5 miles.

The Calvary Baptist Church is on the right-hand side. We look forward to seeing you!


Sundays at 9:30am, 10:30am and 5:30pm. Wednesdays at 7pm.


  • Adult Bible Classes 9:30 AM
  • Children’s Sunday School 9:30 AM
  • Morning Service 10:30 AM
  • Children’s Church 10:30 AM
  • Evening Service 5:30 PM


  • Master Clubs Children’s Ministry 6:45 PM
  • Evening Service 7:00 PM

Loving nursery care provided by trained workers for all services.

Since 1987. We met in a rented school building for 5 years before moving to our current location.

No. We ask nothing of you as a guest, just like you would ask nothing of a guest coming to your home. Financial giving is a way for a Christian to express his gratitude to God for His provision, and is to be done willingly and not under obligation.

Our services are traditional in style yet exciting in nature. We sing hymns because of their truth-saturated content, the choir sings moving songs, soloists or small groups sing excellent specials and the pastor preaches the Word of God at every service. Rather than create a show for people to watch, our services strive to involve everyone in worshiping God in spirit and in truth.

We have no dress code. Many people will come dressed casually, yet others might be dressed up in their “Sunday best” for our services. Everyone–no matter what they wear–is invited and welcomed, but don’t be surprised if men are in suits and ties, and ladies are in dresses or skirts. We figure that if a politician or a business person wears his best for what he deems important (public speech, executive meeting, etc.), the weekly worship of our Creator is at least as important as that. In striving to give God our best in all we do, many of our members will dress up for church as one more small way to show our dedication to Him.

Our church exclusively uses the King James Version of the Bible. This is intentional, but no one will be hateful to you for bringing another version. One of the main benefits of this is that everyone can still bring a Bible to church and be on the same page as everyone else! iPhone and Android Bible apps all include the King James Version, so you can easily follow along (for free).

In our congregational singing, we almost exclusively use the hymns. We figure that if a song-writer from yesteryear could write a song that has endured hundreds of years’ worth of trends and musical tastes, it is still good for us, today. We hear people say OFTEN that they grew up singing hymns, and that they MISS them in the churches that no longer sing them. We also hear people say that they are sad their children do not even know the classics like “Amazing Grace,” “The Old Rugged Cross” and “O For a Thousand Tongues To Sing.” Since contemporary music is (by definition) geared toward current musical tastes and trends, the turnover of new songs through the decades creates an unhealthy taste for “new,” and a disdain for “old.” Instead, we choose to emphasize the timelessness of the truths contained in the hymns.

Nope! Because Scripture teaches that music is more than hymns. While our congregational singing is almost exclusively the hymns, our special choir music and smaller singing groups will use new spiritual songs with a biblical message. With God as our audience, we work to ensure that all our music is pleasing to Him, so you will not find an entertainment mentality among our musicians, but you will hear music that is harmoniously beautiful and shows a level of excellence. The goal of our special music, though, is to be excellent for the sake of pleasing God, not impressing the congregant.

Our children’s classes meet at 9:30am on Sundays and are divided by age or grade for their teaching times. For more, please see our Ministries page.

Every church exists for its own unique reasons and believes and practices its own teachings (otherwise, why have separate churches?) Several things about our church might be distinct from others in the Temecula Valley:

Baptist Doctrine. As independent Baptists, we are autonomous (not ruled from an outside hierarchy). We identify with the true church that has always existed since Christ and derive our authority from Him. Groups of true believers were not always called Baptist, but were always distinctly separate from the established state churches, and often persecuted by these state churches. (See booklet A Case For Why We Have Church for more; available for free in the bookrack at Calvary Baptist Church.)

KJV. Our church exclusively uses the King James Version of the Bible. We are not militant or hateful about it, but we are intentional and reasoned as to why we believe it is the best version for English-speaking people today.

Sunday Evening Services. We may not be the only church in town that has a Sunday evening service, but we receive a lot of comments on how many churches only do one service, repeated multiple times to accommodate the congregants’ schedules. Our evening service is somewhat less formal, but still a completely fresh service with all new music, specials, and preaching content rather than a repeat of the morning service. (See booklet A Case for Sunday Evening Church for more; available for free in the bookrack at Calvary Baptist Church.)

Wednesday Evening Services. In addition to our Sunday night services, our members also meet on Wednesday night for another preaching and prayer service. The children and the teens meet separately from the adults (combining only for special events), but the Wednesday night services are an encouraging mid-week boost to every Christian who attends.

Weekly Outreach. Every Saturday (and at other times through the week), our church meets together for door-to-door outreach. Another comment we receive OFTEN is, “Oh, I didn’t know Christians did this! We only get Mormons and Jehovah’s Witnesses coming to our door.” Our church regularly reaches out with the Good News (the Gospel) in public places and door-to-door. (See booklet A Case For Saturday Soul-Winning for more; available for free in the bookrack at Calvary Baptist Church.)

Hymns. As mentioned before (see previous “FAQ” questions), our church intentionally keeps the hymns alive by lifting them up as one of the best ways to worship our Father–through an entire congregation focusing on truth-saturated music all at once.

Choir. Maybe not exclusive to us, but certainly less common in our Valley is the church choir. Our choir meets one hour weekly to rehearse for weekly specials and occasional special events. We consistently sing challenging music to the standards of secular competition choirs. We do not do so for the sake of entertaining, but for worshiping our Saviour and to “EXCEL to the edifying of the church.” 1 Cor. 14:12.

Reverence. While many churches across Southern California might lean more and more casual, we believe a certain level of reverence is healthy for the worshiper. We are reverent when the occasion demands it (i.e. at funerals), and we hold the worship of our Creator high enough to deserve at least a greater level of respect than a business meeting or movie theater. (See booklet A Case for Reverence for more; available for free in the bookrack at Calvary Baptist Church.)

No. Calvary Baptist Church uses the name Baptist as a sort of label–like on a can in your pantry. We hope you come no matter what your background is! You can expect an encouraging service with a thoroughly explained and applied biblical sermon.

Aside from the beliefs already detailed in this FAQ section, you can find our Statement of Faith here.

We teach that baptism and communion are ordinances that are given to the church, and are to be observed only through the church. Our church members partake in communion only a few times per year as a way to reflect on Christ’s sacrifice and express our unity with Him and one another within His body, the local church.

Would you like to find out more?

Visit our ABOUT US page to read about our church history, a few distinctive traits, some frequently asked questions, and our doctrinal beliefs.

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31087 Nicolas Rd, Temecula, CA 92591

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Prayer requests will be circulated among the staff, and all other requests will be processed by our office staff. If there is a response needed, we will try to respond within a few business days. If you have an immediate need, please call the office.

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