Choir Note-Sunday, September 8, 2013
You say, “Come on, Bro. Ryan. It’s September and we’re singing Christmas.”
I know, I know. A big part of me agrees with you. It’s not right. It’s just not right.
Some of you nuts like Christmas music. I like it after Thanksgiving, but not much before that. My brother Garret is one of those crazies who likes to listen to it in July.
Well, such is life, I suppose. Choir just has to suffer our way through practice for the next couple months as we sing Christmas carols. Maybe they won’t get stuck in your head. Maybe.
Anyway, today starts our split practices, so, like I said last week: be on time, practice with a pencil, look up, think while you sing… you know, the usual.
–Bro. Ryan
5:00 PRACTICE NEXT WEEK – I will be on vacation and Bro. Greg will be leading choir during the service and during choir practice. (No split time).
MUSIC QUESTIONS – If you are missing any music, please let Mrs. Carla know by asking her directly or dropping a quick note in her box. She is diligently sorting all our music and we want to know exactly what we have and what we are missing. Further, if you do not have a black performance folder, please see her, as well.