Our culture’s experiments with the family have left the American home in a mess. We still teach the biblical roles for the family as the best answer and only hope for stable, fulfilled homes.
The family has been redefined in America until there seems to be no absolute standard. In fact, the traditional, biblical definition of the home has become the minority. Even the most casual observer would have to admit that the American home is in trouble. A marriage with a mom and a dad whose love for each other grows year by year, surrounded by children who are happy and respectful is little more than a fairytale. Yet, in truth it really is more than a fairytale. It can be a reality and we still believe the key is the biblical roles for the family. Call them old-fashioned or timeless; the biblical plan still works when people work the plan. Our church is full of homes of various kinds, whether starting out right or trying to restore broken relationships around the proven biblical standard. With an abundance of young families and children, come enjoy a church that is still family.