No more wisdom.
It’s all about love, man! Where’s the love?
Our new Sunday morning series is on wisdom. We are learning to ask the basic question, “What is the wise thing to do?”
However, our Wednesday night series is the same as it’s been for a while. We’re calling it the Teens of Faith series and answering the simple question, “How can I be a teen of faith?” It’s simple: love God, love others, and do right. Now that we’re in the “Loving Others” section of the series, we’ve been focusing a lot on… others. Imagine that.
So, tonight we will look at one more aspect of loving others. Last week, it was a refresher on our “Be Our Guest” as we watched (laughed at?) the beardless-Bro-Ryan video. Tonight, it’s a message I’ve been thinking and gathering materials for about a year on. Enjoy!
– Bro. Ryan