Note from Wednesday, August 21, 2013
We did a LOT of cool things this summer. We had some amazing trips and fun activities.
A huge part of our summer was having the interns along all the way. I didn’t think I would like them so much!
Bro. Tim and Bro. Garrett are awesome, and we will miss having them around. From Bro. Tim’s sign (in the game of signs) to Bro. Garrett’s tooth, we always had a laugh around them. More than that, though, they brought a fresh spirit to our group. It was (and is!) encouraging to be around them. It is refreshing. It is energizing. It is contagious!
It made me want to go back to Heartland! I loved having these guys around just because they were excited about the Lord, they loved preaching, they got excited about spiritual things and they just wanted to serve the Lord. They were vocal about it. They loved church AND loved life. Amen!
In talking about his family and the change God is bringing to him and his whole family, Bro. Tim’s preaching was moving. In Bro. Garrett’s godly example as a young man who’s not much older than most of you, he has shown us that it is possible to live godly, productive lives while we’re still teens.
I hope you never forget the impact these men made on this group. I hope you always remember their heart to serve and their passion for preaching. I hope you remember how excited they both got over godly music, and how they let it affect their spirits in the right way. I hope you think back to all the camps and youth activities they helped run, and how involved they were in serving.
These are good men to emulate. Lift them up as your role models way before lifting up your teacher, your coach, some politician, some professor, some music star or some sports star. It’s been a good summer. Let’s do this again some time. Like next year! J
-Bro. Ryan
INTERNS’ LAST WEDNESDAY – Today. *sniff *sniff. Sad day. Bro. Garrett and Bro. Tim have been amazing this summer. Tell them how much you love them and write them a note about how you appreciate them. They’ve done SO much here in the Teens of Faith, and we love them very much.
GRADUATES’ LAST WEDNESDAY – Today. *sniff *sniff. Sad day. All our graduates are getting kicked out after today. Some of them are heading out to college and others are sticking around town and graduating up to the Lively Stones class with my brother as their teacher. We love you graduates! Come back and be youth staff with me some day!
HEARTLAND TRIP? – We need to know who’s interested in going on the Heartland Trip this year. We will probably be flying to the Church Planters Conference Jan. 13-17 for about $300-$350 each.
NO CLASS NEXT WEEK – we will all be together for the Men’s and Ladies’ Leadership night.
NURSERY HELP NEEDED – We need 4 ladies to work the nursery next week. Please let Mrs. Jamie know.