Note from Sunday, November 24, 2013
Aw, how sweet.
The wedding yesterday was a good reminder of the “why” behind the biblical commandments to be pure. Save yourself for marriage. It may be tough, but God’s way is always best.
Every time I’m at a wedding, I am reminded of my own. How could I not be, right? Sure, the girls get more thrill out of weddings, but guys can take something away from them, too. Guys can see marriage as the biblical goal of dating. I did. I loved my own wedding (it’s about the only wedding I’ve ever loved.) When dating is done God’s way, it is a huge blessing. When marriage is the goal and God is the focus, dating is a time of spiritual growth rather than fleshly lust.
Our culture, however, has made that sacred union something that is almost meaningless. When the white wedding dress once stood for purity, now, brides nowadays wear white just because that’s what brides do. People live together and have babies together before marriage to see if they’re “compatible” with each other. If it “all seems to work out,” then maybe, just maybe, they get married. But then, if this “marriage thing” hits a tough spot, they just dump it and get divorced.
Marriage is non-negotiable. It is final. It is finished. It is “til death do us part.” So, when you’re dating, make sure God is in it. Make sure your path is right.
That’s what this year’s whole Preaching Rally is about. I can’t wait. Be praying for the Preaching Rally. Please! We want God to challenge teens with His Word. We want to be a blessing. We want to help future marriages. We want to help future couples be pure and love God.
Pastor David Hetzer is preaching our Preaching Rally AND our summer camp this summer! I can’t wait. I’m excited about both of them, and I know you will enjoy Bro. Hetzer’s preaching.
-Bro. Ryan
Serving (I wrote TWO notes this week. On accident. J I lost this one about serving, but it was GOOD, so I wanted you to get both.)
Great job serving on Wednesday night. You were amazing.
Not only did you get done with the tables and chairs quickly, but you made sure that you did a good job, too. That says a lot about you.
Don’t just serve to serve. “Yeah, I did my good deed for the week. I served. Sure, whatever.” NO! Serve with excellence!
We’ll get to it in the 1 Corinthians series in chapter 14 (maybe we’ll be in chapter 14 by the time Abe is in the youth group.) Paul says, “…seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church” in v. 12. Every bit of work you do in serving the Lord at church should be done with excellence. You should not only do it, but you should do it well.
I walked in on Wednesday night and you pretty much had the whole room done already. Then, when we had to add more rows, no one complained… you just did it! Great job!
On top of that, I looked down each of the rows and they were perfect… I mean, like, perfectly straight. All the chairs were spaced out just right, all the tables were squared up. Perfect. I loved it. Great job.
So, keep up the good work. Not just the good WORK, but the GOOD work.
Love God. Love others. Do right.
-Bro. Ryan
Thou Art Worthy (song 2)
Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, Thou art worthy, O Lord,
To receive glory, glory and honor, glory and honor and power:
For Thou hast created, has all things created;
Thou hast created all things,
And for Thy pleasure they are created for Thou art worthy, O Lord.
The Lord Is Good (song 4)
The Lord is good
Tell it wherever you go.
The Lord is good
Tell it that others may know;
Tell of His blessings and tell of His love,
Tell how He’s watching from heaven above:
The Lord is good
Tell it wherever you go!
Honor God (song 3)
I will honor God with all my heart,
I will honor God with all my soul;
I will honor God for He is worthy!
I will honor God.