Sunday, March 17, 2013
Yesterday it was good to see so many of you out for Pastor’s soul-winning class. It was packed! (Thank you to those of you who helped get chairs, too!)
Pastor went through several great points yesterday, and we should all know them well.
First, be led by the Spirit. He is the source of your power and He is the one who will do the work of winning the soul. You just do your part to live a clean life and be obedient to His Word.
Next, COME! Be out on Saturdays. J Obviously, you need to be soul-conscious everywhere you go and at all times, but Saturdays are specifically set aside to help reach others. You should come this Saturday.
When you come, have a plan on what you’ll say at the door. Introduce yourself and your partner (removes their fears that you’re a Mormon or JW or girl scout.) Say the church name and that you’re inviting people to our church. Ask about their church background, and compliment their desire to know more about spiritual things based on the fact that they attend church somewhere at least. Let that conversation segue into a question, “If you died today, are you 100% sure you’d go to heaven?” If yes, ask their testimony. If no, ask if you can take a few minutes to share about what God says it takes to get to heaven.
Use the Romans Road or the back of a tract to lead someone to Christ. Be sure it’s genuine. Be sure you include repentance (a willingness to turn from sins to Christ.) Be sure to emphasize God’s condemnation of sin and His power over it. Finally, follow up with a prayer and an encouraging word.
-Bro. Ryan