Our Teens of Faith series is taking shape week by week. Although I had a long time to prepare for it, I’m still finding myself changing it little by little along the way.
The main purpose is still the same. We are answering the question, “What does it mean to be a teen of faith?” The basic answer is this: loving God, loving others, and doing right.
Week by week we are explaining what each of those phrases mean, and what they might look like in our lives. If the headline of our lives is that we are people of faith (saving faith, growing faith), what does that look like in everyday life?
Well, last week we looked more into your spirit and attitude. Loving God starts with lifting Him up in your life. It is really hard to fake the Christian walk. Sure, future lessons in this series will show you how to read your Bible, pray, greet guests, and serve in church, but none of that matters if it’s not coming from a heart that loves God more than anything else in life. You can only fake it for so long before you get tired. However, if you’re truly in love with God, the rest of God’s commandments kind of just fall into place (“…on these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”)
So these first few weeks are identifying “WHAT IS loving God?” Later, we’ll look at “WHAT does loving God LOOK LIKE?” In the next big section on Loving Others, we’ll answer “WHY love others?” and go over practical suggestions on “HOW TO love others.” Finally, the last section will give several suggestions on DOING RIGHT.
All in all, the TOF series is really just a review of what it means to be a Christian. Love God, love others, and do right!
-Bro. Ryan