Wednesday, May 22, 2013
I’ve often said I’m not impressed with people who are all talk.
I’m not impressed until I see all your spiritual talk in action. You shouldn’t be impressed either.
A lot of people who grew up in a Christian home and have a good family automatically assume they’re spiritual. You know all the right answers. Your mom and dad say the right things, so you parrot the right things as if they’re your own.
When they really DO become your own is when you become spiritual. Until then, it’s all just talk.
Anyone can say, “Yeah, I love others.” But then why are you a snob? Or why do you laugh at others when they’re just trying to fit in? Or why do you make fun of someone else’s looks or the things they like? Or why do you avoid someone because you think he’s dorky? Or why do you sneer at someone’s comment as if you’re better than him or her? Or why do you talk about others behind their back? Or why don’t you work harder to welcome others? You have the illusion of love, but it’s not real.
Anyone can say, “I’m a servant.” But can you be found when it’s time to clean up? Are you the last one working, or do you stand around and talk and wait to be told what to do? Do you look for ways to serve or do you look for ways to get OUT of serving? Do you take initiative or find excuses? You might have the illusion of being a servant, but if you don’t serve… you’re fake.
Anyone can say, “My parents are hypocrites.” How about you? You can’t change others, but you can change you. Do YOU have the inward life that you’re claiming on the outside?
Your BIBS section through James talked about this very thing. You can say, “be ye warmed and filled” but if “ye give them not those things which are needful to the body, what doth it profit?” What good are you if you’re all talk? (James 2:14-16). Your spirituality is just an illusion.
Don’t just be a Christian on the outside. And don’t just be a Christian on the inside. Be both.
I’ve been REALLY emphasizing this the last few weeks because I know how easy it is to slip back into knowing all the answers but not being able to connect it to real life. Real life is, like, Promotion Sunday. Real life is, like, learning to live with and even love people you find annoying. Or love people you used to hate. Real life is, like, greeting guests, sitting next to lonely people, greeting adults at hand-shaking time, inviting people in our class to the campout, coming to door-knocking, cleaning up after pie fellowship… basic day-to-day stuff.
Don’t just allow the illusion of spirituality to blind you to who you really are. Daniel saw himself for who he really was and he was humbled. Isaiah saw himself compared to God and there was no illusion of spirituality there… he fell on his face humbled. Paul seemed like a spiritual man, but HE never considered himself a great guy.
Be truly spiritual, and let it show in a humble, obedient attitude.
-Bro. Ryan
CAMPING TRIP – Friday 3:30 – Saturday 1:30. Bring a tent if you’ve got it. We’ll have some free time, a campfire, some food, some testimonies from the Daniel Series (be thinking about it), and some games. $6. Come any time that evening if you can make it.
CHOIR – Young Adults Choir will be concluding after our next song. We will resume practices after the Summer. If you’re 16+, you can join the adult choir at any time.
PROMOTION SUNDAY – <2 weeks away! We’ll be mixing up the seating that day, so prepare now to put the note into action. Maybe plan to have a new TOF class member sit by you.
YARD SALE – Saturday, June 8. Workday Thursday, June 6. Sleepover Friday night, June 7.