The Myers family ships out on Tuesday. Bummer for us. Cool for them, but a bummer for us.
Today, let them know how you’ll miss them, or how they helped you. Here are some things I’LL miss about the Myers family!
- Smiles. I enjoyed seeing them weekly.
- Bro. Aaron’s preaching. He had a good way of communicating the Word.
- Evan’s preaching. I enjoyed his illustrations.
- Mrs. Lori’s preaching. No wait… that only happened at home. At least that’s what Bro. Aaron tells me. (kidding!)
- My door-knocking partner. On Thursdays and Saturdays we’d partner up for outreach. I loved those times.
- Laughter. They brought a joy to the church office and everyday life. We love that and will miss it.
- Extra help! Bro. Aaron was priceless. He did SO much throughout the week. Much more than you’ll know. And Mrs. Lori and the boys always helped by babysitting, taking out the trash, setting up the gym, doing yard work and more.
- Squeaky door fixer. Remember that one time you didn’t notice the youth room door squeak? No? Well, it happens. All because of Bro. Aaron and his faithful hinge-spraying ministry.
- Running youth activities. Anyone want to take their place?
Here are some of the things that Bro. Aaron oversaw, and now they are gaping holes in our ministry:
- Outreach. Setting out weekly maps/tracts.
- Orders of service. Planning and scheduling every Sunday.
- Announcements. Every Sunday morning and night.
- Opening. Unlocking and preparing the church for services.
- Platform setup. Presenting the platform well.
- Website. Updating the music notes, pastor’s bulletin notes, the TOF announcement notes, the missionary letters and more.To say that we’ll miss them is an understatement. Although they’ve only been in our church a few years, they’ve made a lasting impact, especially over the past few months.They are living examples of service and faith. They’re not perfect people, but they are people who are launching out in faith. I hope you always remember their example as servants to you and a family living by faith in God. There’s probably no greater compliment than that.
Thank you, Myers family! We will miss you!!