Choir Note-Sunday, September 15, 2013
Now, don’t get used to these 5:00 practices. They don’t happen all that often, so cherish that Sunday afternoon nap as long as you can.
It is great to have all the new members in choir. What a blessing to have the Doré family with us. They are jumping right in, huh? Also, it’s great to have several teens joining us for the Cantata—Aaron Andrade, Matthew Solie, and Sean Herhold. Amen!
Like I said last week, we are literally making room for more choir members. I would love to add more voices to the choir. If God sends them, we’ll do our best to accommodate them. If you know of anyone who would still like to join, please let me know and I’ll pounce, er—I mean—ask them.
I do not believe we are asking too much of you to be at every practice, be on time, and dedicate your whole attention to every rehearsal. Every week is meaningful and purposeful, and we want to steward every minute we have together as best we can. You do your part and I will try to do mine. We ask our new members to commit. Will you “old” members recommit, as well?
–Bro. Ryan
MUSIC QUESTIONS – If you are missing any music, please let Mrs. Carla know by asking her directly or dropping a quick note in her box. She is diligently sorting all our music and we want to know exactly what we have and what we are missing. Further, if you do not have a black performance folder, please see her, as well.