Socks? Check.
Bible? Check.
“Idiots Unite” shirt? Check.
Spending money? Check.
Whoopee cushion? Check. Check.
Prayer? Che… Oh wait… “Jesus, bless my week, Amen.” Okay, I’m good. CHECK!
Many people think that’s what a prayer life is. Wrongo! That’s not how Jesus prayed. That’s not how he taught his disciples to pray. That’s not how Daniel prayed. That’s not how Elijah prayed. That’s not how Samuel, David, or Solomon prayed. Paul didn’t rattle off a quick little “Jesus, bless Timothy and Titus and Thessalonica Baptist Church and… um… Corinth and… the other churches. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
Preparing for camp ought to include prayer. My fear is that thus far, few prayers for camp have gone up to the Father. My fear is that the Teens of Faith might look good on the outside, but we’re young, spiritually immature and slightly fake on the inside. Your prayer life last week will reveal to you how you’re really doing, spiritually.
- How many minutes have you prayed this week, total?
- How many minutes have you prayed this week for camp?
- How many minutes have you prayed for Pastor Gaddis?
- For yourself?
- For our church?
- For your counselor?
- For safety?
- How many minutes since last Wednesday have you spent confessing sin and asking God’s help to forsake it, so you can go to camp clean?
- How many minutes since last Wednesday have you spent adoring the Father for giving you so much?
- Have you thought about God deeply lately?
- He’s the Creator, the Sustainer, and the One who daily loadeth you with benefits. Have you thanked Him?
- He’s so high above creation and we’re so lowly, he stoops to reach us. Have you recognized that before Him?
Or do you approach Him kind of nonchalantly. Even if you do pray daily (and I hope that’s everyone, but I kind of doubt it), do you follow a structure? Do you pray? Do you remember A.C.T.S.? Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving and Supplication.
- Adore the Father, first. Don’t jump straight to “Dear God, give us a good week of camp…” Instead, acknowledge your position before God (here’s a hint, that’s pretty much all prayer is, anyway. It’s for US, not God).
- Confess sin. “Oh Lord, hear. Oh Lord, forgive. Oh Lord, hearken, and do.” Daniel said these words in his prayer, but only after asking God’s forgiveness for sin, transgression, iniquity, trespassing and more.
- Thank God. There’s plenty to be thankful for! Plenty! If you can’t think of anything, stay on your knees until you can. Serious! Don’t stand up until you can think of 20 or 30 things to thank God for. If you slow down—slow WAY down—and stop rushing through prayer, you will think of plenty to be thankful for.
- Then, then bring your supplications. Or, ask God for things. It’s slightly arrogant to ask for all these things (S) before doing the A, C, T parts, first.
Pray this week. Please pray. Even if you are not going to camp, pray for those who are. Pray that God speaks and we hear. Pray that God gives you the courage to overcome sin. Pray that conviction and revival will spread through our church. Pray that teens will be changed. Pray that pride leaves and humility rules. Pray for life change. Pray for God to strengthen Christians through His Word. Pray for God to call men to preach and ladies to devote their lives to Him. Pray. Pray. Pray.