Once again, you’re invited to our Wednesday night services. Here are some benefits to our Wednesday night services:
New service opportunities. Last Wednesday, we introduced you to the new music schedule. At least once per month we will be down in the main service for the music service as we do the singing and ushering. Be involved in any way you can.
Comedy Night practices. We have begun choosing roles for skits. Don’t miss out on Wednesday night practices! We want you to be involved. And don’t say, “I don’t like it. I think it’s tacky. Tacky, tacky, tacky!” It’s not tacky. It’s cool. And funny. It may be funnier to us than anyone else, but I’m okay with that, aren’t you?
Teens of Faith series. Each week we are looking into different aspects of being a teen of faith—loving God, loving others and doing right. So far, we have only been in the “Love God” section, and the last few weeks we have been learning (and remembering) the topic: “Love God by loving His Word.” It’s good stuff that will help you if you let it.
Money giveaway. Each week, we give every person who attends church $5,000. You should come. It will pay your whole college bill and buy you a new car in a couple weeks. (Okay, we don’t really do that. But did it get your attention? You carnal, selfish person!)
-Bro. Ryan
CHOIR WORKSHOP – This Saturday – 1-3:30 pm. Anyone who wants to learn more about music can come. It is free, but if you can be involved in an offering, that would be great.
The Bible Stands (song 71)
The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
’Mid the raging storms of time;
Its pages burn with the truth eternal,
And they glow with a light sublime.
The Bible stands though the hills may tumble,
It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble;
I will plant my feet on its firm foundation,
For the Bible stands.
The Bible stands like a mountain towering
Far above the works of men;
Its truth by none ever was refuted,
And destroy it they never can.
The Bible stands and it will forever,
When the world has passed away;
By inspiration it has been given,
All its precepts I will obey.
The Bible stands every test we give it,
For its Author is divine;
By grace alone I expect to live it,
And to prove and to make it mine.
(New?) He Owns the Cattle (song 76)
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
The wealth in every mine;
He owns the rivers and the rocks and rills,
The sun and stars that shine.
Wonderful riches, more than the tongue can tell
He is my Father so they’re mine as well;
He owns the cattle on a thousand hills,
I know that He will care for me.